Sustainable School Shop.

Premium Searching

Premium Searching subscription - $4.95 (lasts 365 days). It has been created for those families wishing to manually search from the main search page. Benefits include access to:

When manually searching for textbooks always search by using the ISBN number. This guarantees only the correct texts are found. Book titles in For Sale ads are not standardised and the search engine is keystroke sensitive. Searching by Title will miss books and return incorrect books. 

Sustainable School Shop manually enters each schools booklist data and then attributes an ISBN to each book. Most schools do not provide an ISBN listing. Sustainable School Shop functionality and textbook information is unique and is not provided by other websites. The small payment above will assist in covering the costs of providing this service. 

Postal Insurance

Sustainable School Shop will compensate sellers, the value of items (including postage) where the sale proceeds are not received.

Sustainable School Shop will compensate buyers, the amount of money spent where the goods have not arrived.

Postal insurance only covers second-hand items that are advertised on the Sustainable School Shop website and are transacted using a postal/delivery service. Postal insurance lasts 365 days from date of purchase and is limited to a maximum benefit of $400.00AUD.

Postal insurance does not cover: ebooks, digital media, or electronic media licencing.

Claims must provide: Seller, buyer, item details, any receipts and a brief summary. Use Contact Us above to submit claims.

Postal Insurance - $5.95