Sustainable School Shop.


Primary and Secondary Schools

What is the Sustainable School Shop?

The Sustainable School Shop encourages reuse and recycling through innovation and technology, enabling schools and families to look for a second-hand item first before buying new.

Making better use of current resources and reducing what goes to landfill builds a more sustainable school community and lowers the cost of education.

Essential attributes:
(i) Provides a 'Hand-up' rather than a 'Hand-out' (builds self reliance)
(ii) Inclusive and accessable by all
(iii) Contributes to and assists in building the sense of school community
(iv) Single platform serving the different layers of the education community (Kinder to Uni).
(v) Genuine in-school service

Separate systems form the basis of the service:

Each system is customised to your school's requirements. Schools choose which to use while others can be blocked if required.

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Who is the Sustainable School Shop for?

Parents, students and schools from kindergarten to university.

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The service is free for schools to use.

There are no contracts and the school can stop using the service at any time.


Families can manually search all the For Sale Ads gaining the contact details for free.

It costs $1.95 to list a Casual Ad (Wanted or For Sale). New families to the school receive free Wanted Ads.

Annual Subscriptions cost $23.95, these provide an unlimited number of ads for 365 days. Other time saving functionality becomes available and the service can be used for all their children no matter which school attended.

Schools can negotiate and pay a bulk discounted fee on behalf of all families. Families automatically receive an Annual Family Membership upon registration on the website.

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Are there any hidden costs or commissions for parents or schools?


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How does the Sustainable School Shop make money?

Families paying to list advertisements.

The Sustainable School Shop is not involved in the transaction between the seller and purchaser, nor do we take a portion of the sale price.

Advertising and Sponsorship revenue also.

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How much work is involved for schools?

Implementation is easy, Sustainble School Shop (SSS) does most of the work.

Second-hand Textbook Trading System
Provide current years and next years (when final) booklists. The SSS uploads the textbook data.
Provide a High Resolution image of the school's logo which is used on the cover of customised User Guides (these are free).
Circulate to families information about the service, available to assist are draft letters and User Guides.
Place a hyperlink from the school's website to the SSS website for families to use.
Regularly place information about the service across the year.

Second-hand Uniform Trading System
Provide a copy of the school's uniform listing including all sizing's and prices. The SSS uploads the uniform data.
Provide a High Resolution image of the school's logo which is used on the cover of customised User Guides (these are free).
Circulate to families information about the service, available to assist are draft letters and User Guides.
Place a hyperlink from the school's website to the SSS website for families to use.
Regularly place information about the service in the school's newsletter.

General Trading System
This trading system usually automatically follows after the implementation of either of the above two. Families learn that many types of items can be traded.

Blocking the Trading of specific types of items
The SSS does not compete with in-school services. If a school wishes to maintain an existing in-school service then the SSS can advise families accordingly upon the website and totally block any of those items from being advertised. This is very effective.

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How will the service impact on current school services?

The SSS does not compete with in-school services. If a school wishes to maintain an existing in-school service then the SSS can advise families accordingly upon the website and totally block any of those items from being advertised. This is very effective.

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Our school is very small, is it worthwhile?

Often smaller schools benefit most; a larger pool of second-hand items becomes available for parents.

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What is the online New Uniform Ordering facility?

The SSS can provide the school or uniform supplier an online platform for families to order new uniforms.

These online pages are customised to the needs of the school and a typical model is:

Provide a copy of the school's uniform listing including all sizing's and prices with product codes. The SSS uploads this data.
Provide a High Resolution image of the school's logo which is used on the cover of customised User Guides (these are free).
Circulate to families information about the service, available to assist are draft letters and User Guides.
Regularly place information about the service in the school's newsletter.

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