Meriden School - Second Hand UniformSummary of Meriden School second hand uniform items currently for sale on the Sustainable School Shop website. Clicking on a link below will take you to the item on the Sustainable School Shop. Buyers make direct contact with sellers. |
Academic, Sports and Accessories |
Day Uniform |
Quantity |
Sizes Available |
School Blazer (Yrs K-12) | 0 | |
School Jumper (Yrs K-12) | 0 | |
School Vest (Yrs K-12) | 0 | |
Summer Dress (Yrs K-10) | 0 | |
Senior Blouse Short Sleeve - White (Yrs 10-12) | 0 | |
Winter Blouse Short Sleeve - Stripe (Yrs K-9) | 0 | |
Winter Blouse Long Sleeve - Stripe (Yrs K-9) | 0 | |
Senior Winter Blouse Long Sleeve - White (Yrs 10-12) | 0 | |
Winter Pinafore (Yrs K-6) | 0 | |
Senior Skirt (Yrs 7-12) | 0 | |
School Hat (Yrs K-12) | 0 | |
Sun Hat (Prep - Yr 6) | 0 | |
Sports Uniform (Includes Prep Uniform) |
Sports Polo Short Sleeve (Prep - Yr 12) | 0 | |
Sports Polo Long Sleeve (Prep - Yr 2) | 0 | |
Sports Shorts (No Brief) (Prep - Yr 2) | 0 | |
Sports Shorts with Brief (Yrs 3-12) | 0 | |
Track Top (Fleece) (Prep - Yr 2) | 0 | |
Track Pants (Fleece) (Prep - Yr 2) | 0 | |
Track Jacket (Yrs 3-12) | 0 | |
Track Pants (Yrs 3-12) | 0 | |
House Polo (Specify House) (Yrs 7-12) | 0 | |
Swimming Costume (Yrs K-12) | 0 | |
Swimming Legsuit (Yrs 7-12) | 0 | |
Swimming Rash Shirt (Yrs K-12) | 0 | |
Sports Cap (Yrs 3-12) | 0 | |
Sports Visor (Yrs 7-12) | 0 | |
Bucket Hat (Yrs 7-12) | 0 | |
Sports (Extra-Curricular) |
Athletics/Cross Country Singlet | 0 | |
Athletics/Cross Country Crop Top | 0 | |
Athletics/Cross Country Shorts | 0 | |
Badminton/Netball/Tennis Skort | 0 | |
Basketball/Touch Football Singlet | 0 | |
Basketball/Football/Touch Football/Volleyball Competition Shorts | 0 | |
Football/Volleyball Competition Top | 0 | |
Tildesely Team Skort | 0 | |
Water Polo Costume | 0 | |
Training Tee Long Sleeve (Yrs 3-12) | 0 | |
Training Top (Fleece) (Yrs 3-12) | 0 | |
Performing Arts |
Theatre Blacks Top | 0 | |
Theatre Pants - Black | 0 | |
Food Technology and Hospitality |
Food Tech and Hospitality Apron | 0 | |
Food Tech and Hospitality Cap | 0 | |
Accessories |
School Backpack (Prep - Yr 12) | 0 | |
Sports Bag (Yrs 1-12) | 0 | |
Excursion Bag (Prep - Yr 12) | 0 | |
Planner/Library Bag (Prep - Yr 6) | 0 | |
Tote Bag (Yrs 7-12) | 0 | |
Scarf (Polar Fleece) (Yrs K-12) | 0 | |
Raincoat (Prep - Yr 6) | 0 | |
Umbrella (Yrs 7-12) | 0 | |
Art Smock (Yrs K-6) | 0 | |
Miscellaneous Uniform Items |